jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Esther Sanz, Head of Section for European Information and Documentation of the Government of Aragon has said in the conference this morning at school:

"We are going to talk about the European Union but first, I want to congratulate you for your great work that you have done. I have been visiting to both blogs: Eurocartujos and Eurolacadiera and I have seen very interesting, I have seen that you have connected all notices about the European Union in different press, very well. The citizen iniciative is really interesting.

The beginning is after the Second War World, Europe was destroyed and people started to suggest new ideas  and prosperity ideas.

About the blogs that you have seen, we want show you our offer that is unify the age in all countries for became MEP.
We want know what do you think about our iniciative ans if you can answer to us.
The 9th of may in 1950 the Schuman declaration was produced and from then it has been the 9th of may the day of Europe.

As we have said the European Union has been formed slowly. The different entrances of the countries to the E.U. promote different changes. One of the main indicents was the fall of the Berlin Wall. But in the E.U. It can´t enter the first that want to, but countries which have a democracy and a juridical state, a market economy and have to incorporate european legislation.

EU contributes as well with assistance to outside countries´ development. And as you can see in the graph their contribution is above that of Japan and the US".

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