Report performance of work

In this section we introduce our iniciative to you and we show the work we have done.

Our initiative suggests that the 28 countries should try to agree in the minimmum age to became member of European Parliament. Our suggestion is 18, nevertheless, we want to know what people think about that and in the blog (top left corner) there are three questions with three possible answers each.

We think this initiative will improve the European Union politics because  young people like us, are the future and the new European citizens. We also reckon the improvement of the European Union politics must be fair and reasonable, with the same rights and rules in all the different countries.

The plan for the promotion and broadcasting of our initiative which we created to everybody has consisted in a series of meetings with different people in a range of places and  through the media too. Following this plan, we have been involved with our team mates of “La Cadiera” in Euroscola doing this blog with activities and “synergies” like our Education Services says. We have created a  " joint venture "  to spread our initiative. We have also got in contact with the Government for the Europe Direct center in Aragon and we have filmed promotional videos (see promotional videos tab).

 These meetings are shown in the home page tab:

1- In the European Parliament, in Brussels, we interviewed a MEP, her name is Verónica Lope Fontagné. (See interview tab)

2- In the journey to Louvain, on the train, we interviewed an italian student who emigrated to Belgium. (See interview tab)

3- We  promoted the European Parliament and elections in our high school with all our schoolmates by playing games about Europe on the computers. (Home page).

4- In Teodoro Sánchez Punter neighborhood with the Cultural Institute of Resident Association and the Public School Association of the district, in the VI Public School meeting. (See home tab).

5- We went to these primary schools: Calixto Ariño CEIP (bilingual school in German) Ángel Escoriaza CEIP (La Cartuja) and María Moliner CEIP (bilingual school in English). (See visit our primary schools)

6- In the Joaquín Roncal centre we were with curators of the exhibition attending a project. Its name is Kohtaamisia. It means meetings in Finnish. (See home page)

7- At the open day of school with future colleagues who will be at school next year, with their parents. (See home page)

8- All the students of 4th ESO attended a conference at school by members of Europe Direct (See home page)

Our future meetings: 
the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of the IES " Pablo Gargallo " and the anniversary of the first European elections will be on  Europe's Day. (8 and 9 May)

With respect to media we have appeared in (see home page) :
In the newspaper "The Chronicle" .
In "Radio La Granja".
In the journal "El periódico de Aragón" (student). (April 1)
There are links on the website of the school, the blog of ADCA, the website Europe Direct.

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